Thursday 13 March 2008


Howdy dudes!

Just wanted to introduce myself, my name is VonStruve and I am a freelance artist/illustrator. I am currently working on a childrens book, illustrating the cover and the pictures that will (hopefully) end up inside. I have a couple of other projects ongoing.....but those are a secret that I cannot divulge details about!

I am also a member of that awesome site, - go check it out for artwork that will blow your mind!!
You can find me under the name SoftWhip - though where I got that name from is beyond even me!!

So go check out some of the artwork on the afore mentioned site, especially the 'Sketchbooks' forums - they are truly amazing!!!

See what I mean? DeviantArt isn't too shabby either!

Anyway, hope to have some artwork posted up here soon - so check back often to find out!

Catch you on the flipside dudes! (and dudettes!)